Paris 2024 posters narrative and creative concept
Effervescence and the profusion of details:
The Posters have been conceived as a rich and teeming composition of micro-elements and small scenes, within which the spectator can freely stroll and immerse themselves. The public is invited to wander through this vibrant microcosm, discovering new fragments at every glance, in a play on perspective typical of the illustrator: From a distance, a global scene delivers an initial message, then as you approach, new details appear and open the door to a new series of possible narratives.
Reverie and fantasy:
The Posters plunge us into a utopian, fantasy version of Paris, a kind of huge circular stadium-city. They depict a city open to the world, in which familiar places, monuments and symbols are rearranged and reinterpreted. In this imagined version of Paris, sport is everywhere in the city, and the influence of the Art Deco movement is never far away, creating bridges between past and present, between the Paris of the Games of 1900, that of the Games of 1924, and that a hundred years later, of the Games in 2024.
Cheerfulness and lightness:
The overall tone of the illustration, which is cheerful, festive, colorful and luxurious, has been designed to be consistent with the spirit and style of the Games of Paris 2024, which are themselves conceived as a great popular, playful and highly joyful celebration.
- Olympic and Paralympic symbols: the Olympic Rings, the Three Agitos, Stoke Mandeville, the Olympic Motto, etc.
- Signature elements of the Paris 2024 edition: the mascots, the arrival of the Olympic Flame in Marseille aboard the Belem, the Mass Event Running, the boats of the Ceremony on the Seine, Olympic equality, the iconic competition venues, etc.
- Great symbols of Paris and France: the Eiffel Tower, the Marianne, the Patrouille de France [French Acrobatic Patrol]the Paris Metro, the Seine, the Arc de Triomphe, etc.
- Many sports represented, in particular the four new sports added by Paris 2024 to its program: breaking, sport climbing, skateboarding and surfing