Statement on Heart of Aquatics report

Following Swim England’s publication of its Heart of Aquatics Listening Research Report today, we have released this statement.

“Today’s publication of the Heart of Aquatics Listening Research Report represents a crossroads moment, both for Swim England and everyone involved in the sport more widely.

“The report, which Swim England commissioned as a condition of their funding agreement with Sport England, details abuse, racism, bullying, bad practice, negative experiences and a poor culture within the sport.

“The experiences shared by so many swimmers, coaches and volunteers in the report are starkly laid out. No-one in sport should ever be subjected to this kind of treatment, and we thank those who came forward to tell their stories.

“Sport England is committed to supporting governing bodies to drive a culture in their sport that upholds the highest standards of ethics, integrity and welfare, whether on the world stage or at a community level.

“We are not a regulator for sport and physical activity in England, but we use the powers we do to maximize positive change.

“In this case, we are clear that our continued funding for Swim England must be focused on addressing the significant issues within the sport.

“Swim England has a new chief executive and the opportunity to look fresh at many issues. We welcome this and will now work with and support this new leadership team to decisively and swiftly enact the report’s recommendations and take the sport forward.”

If you or anyone you know has been impacted by any of the issues raised in the Heart of Aquatics Listening Research Report, there are a variety of support services available.